Curriculum | Specialist Programs


Our Library has an excellent range of books suitable for children of all ages. We encourage children to use this facility. Each child from Prep to Year 6 has a timetabled session in the Library and borrowing takes place during this session or at lunchtime.

We need your cooperation in encouraging your child to read regularly and to take care of the books.

Information & Communication Technology (ICT)

Children will have access to the wonderful world of computers both in the classroom, and in our Computer Lab. Children will be attending sessions in the Lab and the programs that will be used in the Lab will also be available in the classroom. As far as possible, the programs used will be relevant to the units of work taking place with their class teacher. Miss Rachel Mercuri is our ICT Specialist.

Performing Arts

Music is an aspect of our Performing Arts Program and currently our Music teacher is Mr David Perry.

The Music Program for Preps to Year 6 at Watsonia North Primary School is a developmental program incorporating the Kodaly Philosophy.

Visual Arts

Our Art program provides an opportunity for creative expression, control of a range of media and development of skills. The art room is well equipped, giving children the opportunity to develop their creative talents. Mrs Jaliya Rudd and Ms Clare Meehan are our Visual Arts Specialists.

Physical Education

The emphasis of the Physical Education and Sports Program is the development of skills, coordination, cooperation, enjoyment and healthy, positive attitudes to physical activity which will prepare children for future recreational pursuits.

The Physical Education Teacher is responsible for covering the areas of major and minor games, athletics, gymnastics, ball handling and dance. Mr Trent O'Sullivan our Sport/Physical Education Specialist.

Reading Recovery

Reading Recovery is a school-based early intervention program developed in New Zealand by Dame Professor Marie Clay to assist Year 1 students who require additional assistance to be able to read and write as well as most of the other children in their class.

Reading Recovery provides a second opportunity for children in Year 1 having difficulty with literacy learning as the strategies used complement the Early Years reading and writing program that is provided daily by teachers in the classroom.

Mrs Kerri Glowacki and Mrs Kay Bridgman are the Reading Recovery Specialists.

The Extending Mathematical Understanding (EMU) Intervention Program

In most classrooms there are children who experience difficulty learning mathematics. The Extending Mathematical Understanding (EMU) Program was developed to assist these students in Years 1 and 2.

Mrs Julie Austin, Mrs Katrine Smith, Mrs Jenny Storer and Mrs Melissa Greatrex are the EMU Specialists.