Our School | General Information

This is a 'snap shot' of information relevant to our school. You will also find further information on some of these topics elsewhere in this website.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Absences of Students | Accidents to Students | Assemblies | Attendance Hours | Bank | Bicycles | Book Club | Camping Program | Canteen | Camps Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) | Class Organisation | Confidential Information | Curriculum Days/Student Free Days | Curriculum Policy & Programs | Dental Service | Disaster Plan | Discipline| Email | Environmental & Outdoor Education Program | Excursions | Finances | First Aid | Grounds | Hats | Homework | House Captains Elections | House Teams | Immunisation Certificate | Infectious Diseases | Integration | Instrumental Music | Interschool Sport | Library | Lost Property | Lunches | Magazine | Medical Examinations | Medications at School | Money Sent to School | Newsletter | Notices | Out of School Hours Care | Parents & Friends' Association | Parent Participation | Parking | Pediculosis | Photographs | Picking up Children | Playground Supervision | Playground Use | Reporting to Parents | Restorative Practices | School Council | School Rules| Security Gates | Student Representative Council |Social Service | Special Events | Student Welfare | Suggestions | Sunsmart | Sunscreen | Swimming Program | Term Dates | Telephone/Fax | Transfers In/Out | Transition | Uniform | Wet Day/Hot Day Arrangements

Absences of Students

In line with the Government's commitment to enforce compulsory attendance laws, it is necessary for schools to ensure all absences for which parents do not have a reasonable excuse (as defined by the Education and Training Reform Act 2006) are recorded under a particular set of codes. Alternatively, all absences for which parents do have a reasonable excuse are recorded against another set of codes. Whenever children are absent from School, a written explanation is required on the child's return to school. If it is likely that your child will be absent for more than a few days, please telephone the School Office to let us know. On occasions families decide to take holiday periods during school terms. Please note that such requests must be submitted in writing to the Principal for consideration.


Accidents to Students

As we know, on occasions children are involved in accidents in and around the school, despite the best precautions and safety procedures. For minor accidents, children are treated appropriately and returned to their classroom. For more serious accidents which may require professional medical treatment, parents are contacted. If parents are not able to be contacted, the emergency contact/s listed on the child's student record will be used. If an accident clearly requires immediate medical attention without delay, your child will be taken by school staff to your preferred doctor, or the nearest doctor, if considered necessary. An ambulance will be called in an emergency. All accidents are recorded in the School Accident Register.
Parents will be notified via a 'Notification of Injury/Illness'. At the bottom of this form is an Acknowledgement Slip for parents to complete and return to school the next day. This procedure is very important and ensures the best communication between the school and parents regarding your child's safety and welfare. | TOP


Each Monday morning at 9.00am (see 'Attendance Hours') a Whole School Assembly is held in The Centre for the purposes of making announcements and sharing information about school activities and achievements. The students themselves play an important part in this assembly, being responsible for a number of reports each week, and from time to time, putting on items for the rest of the school. Where possible, parents are encouraged to attend this assembly each week.

Grade Assembly Areas

Each grade in the school has a designated assembly point for the purpose of lining up, following recess and lunchtime breaks.  | TOP

Attendance Hours

School commences at 9.00am, but a warning bell sounds at 8.57am (Monday morning bell sounds at 8.50am due to Assembly). School dismisses at 3.30pm.

Our Daily Timetable is:

Session 1 9.00-9.50am
Session 2 9.50-10.40am
RECESS 10.40-11.10am
Session 3 11.10am-12.00pm
Session 4 12.00-12.50pm
LUNCH EATING 12.50-1.00pm
LUNCH EATING OUTSIDE 1.00-1.50pm (middle bell at 1.25pm)
Session 5 1.50-2.40pm
Session 6 2.40-3.30pm

School Dismissal

End of term dismissal times will be notified in the Weekly Newsletter. Please note that the School does not dismiss early due to wet weather or because of extreme temperatures. The school is heated and fully airconditioned. A Wet Day/Hot Day timetable applies on wet days and on days with extreme heat.


A banking service is offered to all our children through the Commonwealth Bank. Bank day is TUESDAY.
Each week, children who have an account, send their deposit together with their passbook. It is processed by a parent helper. Parents will be notified when banking is to start. Application forms to open a 'Dollarmite' account with the Commonwealth Bank are available from the school office.


Children may ride a bicycle to school. It is recommended that children complete a Bike Education Program or Bike Safety Program. To arrange for your child to ride a bicycle to school, parents/guardians need to sign a permission note, which is available here.  | TOP

Book Club

A Book Club is run for all children, normally once a term. This involves children being offered paperback books to purchase, mostly at cheaper prices than through a commercial bookseller. This is something the children enjoy and benefits the school, as we receive a percentage of sales back in books for our School Library. Leaflets/order forms are distributed the week before the Book Club is due and a reminder note is included in the weekly newsletter. Money for orders should be returned in an envelope with the child's name and grade clearly marked. If paying by cheque please make it payable to the Book Club not the school. | TOP

Camping Program

Watsonia North Primary School considers the provision of a Camping Program to be a valuable part of the education of all students. The program is designed to provide students with a variety of challenging and exciting learning experiences not usually available in the school and home environments. Our students' health, safety and security are the highest priority to all adults attending camp. It is important that each child be given the opportunity to gain knowledge, experience and a sense of achievement through a variety of learning situations. The camping experience provides children with the opportunity to develop social skills, group responsibilities and independence in an alternate setting, away from daily home and school routines. Students in Years 5 and Year 6 are provided with the opportunity to attend a 3 day camp alternating each year between Phillip Island and Warburton East.| TOP


The Canteen is managed by School Council employees Mrs Diane Miles and Ms Karen Lunn. Volunteers are always needed and we would be delighted to hear from you. The Canteen is open every day. When ordering your child’s lunch please place wrapped money in a paper bag and indicate your child's name, room number and what your child would like to have for lunch.

A price list is available if you follow this link.  | TOP

Camps Sports & Excursion Fund (CSEF)

Parents who hold a current Health Care Card (or any other Pension Card) are entitled to this allowance. Parents apply for the Education Maintenance Allowance at the School Office in February and July. You will be notified of these dates and times in the Newsletter. | TOP

Class Organisation

Classes may be either based on single age organisation eg Prep, Year One etc or on multi-age organisation eg, Year 5 and 6 together in a class. There are advantages to both arrangements, however, classes are organised first and foremost on the basis of the school having the lowest numbers in each classroom. | TOP

Confidential Information

In caring for your child we need to have access to up to date information. Please ensure that you provide us with immediate notification of any changes in phone contacts, addresses, health details or any other relevant details. All information collected is confidential.

Information sheets are sent home at the beginning of each school term and it is important that they be completed so that the school can keep this information up to date. A copy of the WNPS Privacy Notice is available here for your information.| TOP

Curriculum Days/Student Free Days

The Department of Education & Training allocates four Pupil Free Days each year and this includes the first day for 2017 (Tuesday, 31 January). Children do not attend school on this day as teachers are involved in Professional Development activities. The first day of school for children is Wednesday, 1 February.

The dates for the additional days for 2017 are:

Refer to section on Reporting to Parents. The date for the mid-year Parent, Teacher and Student Meetings will be published shortly. Students do not attend school on this day, but are expected to attend the interview with the parent/s.| TOP

Curriculum Policy and Programs

To ensure that our school's policies represent the views of the school community and are within the guidelines of the Department of Education & Training, policies are formed through a collaborative process.

School Council is ultimately responsible for the formulation, adoption and evaluation of all school policies but it calls upon sub committees, working party groups and other interested people, including those with special expertise, to help in the task.

It is the responsibility of staff to develop and implement the school teaching programs following the development or review of School Policy.

Our curriculum policies and programs are available for your perusal and we welcome your involvement should you want to be part of our collaborative decision making. | TOP

Dental Service

Approximately every 24 months, reminders are sent to families who have previously used the service. Treatment is conducted at the Banyule Community Health Centre. If your family has not used the facility previously, you can contact the School Dental Service on 9450 2000 for further information. | TOP

Disaster Plan

The school has a disaster plan which has directions to guide us through any emergency. An important component of this is our evacuation and lockdown procedures, which we practice, to ensure the safety of all within the school. | TOP


We aim to make our school a happy, caring place where children are successful in their learning. With this aim in mind, Watsonia North has a Student Code of Conduct which is included in the Student Welfare Manual. This Code of Conduct emphasises 'Rights and Responsibilities' based on a clear set of School Rules. This is a component of our overall 'Student Welfare Policy'. See also 'Restorative Practices'.

Both teachers and parents have an important role to play in shaping a child's behaviour. Information, materials, counselling and programs are provided as the need arises. | TOP




Assistant Principal:

Office Manager:

Finance Manager


Environmental & Outdoor Education Program

Watsonia North Primary School has an Environmental and Outdoor Education Program. This activity based program takes place over a period of four separate days during the year for students in Years 3/4. A camp program operates for 5/6 students. | TOP


Excursions are an integral part of our school's education program. They provide a range of opportunities for children to have first hand experiences related to the various curriculum programs. All children are encouraged to attend so that they may participate fully in pre-excursion and follow up activities. Parental participation is encouraged where appropriate. There is some cost involved, but we endeavour to keep this to a minimum. | TOP


School Finances are derived from two sources, Government Grants and locally raised funds. The Government provides some funding which needs to be supplemented by parent contributions and fund raising in order to run an effective school. Parent contributions are set each year by School Council. School Council also sends to each family, a list of the Probable Extra Money Requests for the current year, designed to assist each family with their financial planning. | TOP

First Aid

See Accidents to Students.  | TOP


The maintenance of the school grounds is the responsibility of the School Council. Our Maintenance Manager is Mr Michael North. | TOP


To protect the children from the sun, hats are compulsory from September to the end of April. The School slouch hat is available from the uniform shop at school. Please refer to the school's Sunsmart Policy. | TOP


The school has a Homework Policy and all families will receive a copy of this document.

Junior Grades: Parents are encouraged to share books which are brought home daily. Please assist your child in caring for these books.

Years 3-6 Homework may include:

House Captains (Elections)

In February of each year an election of House Captains and Vice Captains is held. All children Years 3-6 are given the opportunity to vote.  | TOP

House Teams

There are four houses at Watsonia North:

GRAY Green

These houses were named after four of the original School Council members who had much to do with establishing a State Primary school in the area. Students in Years 3-6 are placed in houses, with consideration being given to allocating siblings to the same house if possible. An election of House Captains and Vice Captains is held (as above). 


Immunisation Certificate

A SCHOOL ENTRY IMMUNISATION CERTIFICATE is a specific document which shows your child’s record of immunisation. The certificate is an important record that will assist health authorities in protecting students in the event of a vaccine preventable disease occurrence in school.

Please note that it is a LEGAL REQUIREMENT to provide a school entry immunisation certificate ON ENROLMENT to primary school in Victoria.

Immunisation History Statement - apply online:
HIC have set up a website where you can obtain your child’s Immunisation History Statement. This facility has been provided to help parents keep track of their child's vaccinations and to ensure their child is fully immunised. Parents may request a statement of their child's immunisation history as recorded on the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (Immunisation Register) by completing the form on the website. The statement will be mailed to the child's most recent address recorded on the Immunisation Register. You will need to enter your Medicare Card number. The Website address is: https://www1.hic.gov.au/ssl/acircirgcert | TOP

Infectious Diseases

Exclusions from School

The Principal is required to exclude children according to the table attached, under the Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 1996. The Regulations require the parent or guardian to inform the Principal as soon as practicable if the child is infected with any of the diseases listed in the table or has been in contact with an infected person.

It should be noted that in cases of typhoid and paratyphoid fever, parents should contact the City of Banyule Medical Officer of Health in regard to exclusion and recovery.

“Contact” means child of school age or pre-school age living in the same house as the patient, “patient” includes carrier; and “School” includes any Pre-school Centre, Kindergarten, Primary School or Secondary School. A patient or contact shall be prevented from attending school.  | TOP


The school has an Integration Policy which relates to the integration of children with special needs in to the school. Contact the school for further details.   | TOP

Instrumental Music

Children in Grades Prep-6 have the opportunity of learning various musical instruments in addition to the normal classroom music program. (Specific charges are made for Instrumental Music lessons and more information/enrolment forms will be sent home at the beginning of each year).  | TOP

Interschool Sport

Watsonia North is a member of the Watsonia District School Sports' Association. Other members are Greensborough, Bundoora, Watsonia, Watsonia Heights, Streeton and St Mary’s Primary Schools.

The School is engaged in Interschool Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming (Year 3-6) and Summer and Winter Sports (Years 5-6).

Summer Sports are Rounders, Cricket, Bat Tennis and Basketball.

Winter Sports are - Softball, Football, Netball and Soccer.

Children participating in interschool sport are expected to wear the appropriate sports uniform.  | TOP


Our Library has an excellent range of books suitable for students of all ages. We encourage students to use this facility. Each student from Prep to Year 6 has a timetabled session in the Library and borrowing takes place during this session or at lunchtime.

We need your cooperation in encouraging your child to read regularly and to take care of the books. Lost or damaged books need to be replaced and you will be asked to contribute to the cost.  | TOP

Lost Property

To save the time of staff and students, and also your own time and expense, please label all personal property clearly.

Lost property is kept in the corridor near the staffroom. If your child has lost any belongings, please feel free to inspect the lost property area. All clothing should be clearly labelled with the student’s name.

Expensive electronic toys, mobile phones, jewellery, etc are best left at home, as the school will not take responsibility for such items.  | TOP


All students eat their lunches in classrooms under teacher supervision. Lunches can be brought from home or ordered from the canteen. Lunch eating time in the classroom is 12.40-12.50pm.  | TOP


Each year, everyone at WNPS is involved in preparing articles and pages to be included in the School Magazine, which is published annually. The School Magazine is called the 'Kookaburra'.

Each student receives a copy and additional copies are available for a small charge.  | TOP

Medical Examinations

A nurse visits the school to assess children in Prep (with parental permission), and any new students who have arrived during the year. The purpose of this assessment is to detect variations in health and development, and to contribute to the prevention and management of any problems.

Referrals of students from other Year levels can be made to the Medical Service by parents or teachers prior to the visit. The nurse will discuss any concerns with parents.  | TOP

Medications at School

Staff are only allowed to give medication to students if parents have completed a Green Medication Form. If your child needs to take medicine during school hours, please collect the appropriate Green Medication form from the School office or download a copy here.

Children must not be in possession of any type of medication at school. Students are not allowed to administer their own medication without supervision.  | TOP

Money Sent to School

All money sent to school (eg for excursions, special events, uniforms, etc) should be placed in a well sealed envelope which is clearly labelled with the child's name, grade, room number, the amount and purpose of the money. Money is collected on Thursdays. Visa and credit card facilities are available at the School Office from 8.30am until 2.30pm each day (minimum of $10.00).  | TOP


Each Wednesday a newsletter is sent home with the eldest child in the family or can be emailed to families on request. Please read this carefully as it contains important information regarding school events, as well as reports from Parents and Friends' Association and School Council. It is important that you check for its arrival each week. | TOP


Separate notices are usually sent home regarding excursions and other special events. Please impress on your child the importance of passing on all notices to you. Prompt replies to notices are always appreciated.  | TOP

Out of School Hours Care (Cool Care)

An Out of School Hours Program operates at the school between 7.15-8.45am and 3.30-6.00pm. This is available on a permanent, part-time or casual basis. Please note that all students must be registered before they can attend.

Please phone the Coordinator, Jenny Watts, on (03) 9432 3213 (24 hour answering service) for more information, or alternatively email Jenny at: cc@wats-north.vic.edu.au  | TOP

Parents & Friends' Association (PFA)

Membership of the PFA offers parents the opportunity to make new friends while working for the benefit of our students.

The PFA organises a number of activities and functions - some of these raise funds to provide the school with additional resources, whilst others are organised for social reasons.

You are most welcome to join the PFA. Your children will benefit from your involvement and so will you.

The dates and times of PFA Meetings are advertised in the weekly Newsletter.  | TOP

Parent Participation

An effective school is one where teachers and parents work together for the benefit of the children. A note will go home early in the year inviting parents to become involved in one or more aspects of school life. These include helping in classroom activities, going on excursions, helping with the uniform, helping in the canteen, in the library and at Working Bees.

Parents are also welcome to take part in the decision making processes through the PFA or nominating for School Council.

All children will benefit from parental involvement in school activities.  | TOP


Please observe the parking restrictions in Sharpes Road and Dundee Street. These restrictions are designed to ensure that the school crossings are clearly visible and are safe for all students.

Parking Officers patrol these streets regularly and cars which park illegally risk heavy fines and they are putting children in danger.

The speed limit in Dundee Street and Sharpes Road is 40kmh at all times.

For safety reasons, the school car park is for staff use only. Students are not allowed in this car park AT ANY TIME.  | TOP

Pediculosis (Head Lice)

Head Lice can often be a problem in schools. Lice are not selective and can infect anyone. Please check your child’s hair regularly. Students who are infected with head lice are excluded from school until their hair has been treated. The lotion can be purchased from the chemist. We appreciate parents letting us know if their child has head lice. For more information on Headlice, visit www.health.vic.gov.au/headlice | TOP


School photographs are taken annually. The date will be advised in the Newsletter. Each family has the opportunity to purchase a class photo and individual photos. Family groups, whole school photo, Year 6 graduation and sports’ teams are also taken.  | TOP

Picking Up Children

Children's welfare and safety is at the forefront of everything we do at Watsonia North.

At the end of the day:

Dismissal time is 3.30pm, and children should be promptly picked up at this time. Students are supervised leaving the school grounds until 3.45pm. Any child still remaining in the yard at this point, will be brought to the school office to ensure the child's safety. We will attempt to find out why the child has not been collected by ringing home or the listed emergency contact numbers. If we are unsuccessful in making contact, the child will be placed in our Out of School Hours Care (OSH) program, with the appropriate charges being levied. We do realise that from time to time, parents/guardians can be late to pick up due to unforeseen circumstances.


When you have made an arrangement for another parent to take your child home, the parent concerned should be absolutely clear about this, and the arrangement should be communicated directly to the child's teacher so that we are aware of what can often be a changed situation. We are sure you will agree, we cannot take any risks with children's safety, and these procedures are designed to address this.

During the day:

Again, in the interests of children's welfare and safety, please follow the procedures below if you need to pick up your child during school hours.

Notify the school by either writing a note which your child can bring to the class teacher first thing in the morning, or alternatively, ring the school office if a situation arises during the day regarding picking up your child early.

When picking up your child in these circumstances, firstly go directly to the class teacher and tell them you are picking up your child.

Then go to the school office and sign your child out in the 'In/Out' book.

If you are returning a child to school during the school day, you also need to visit the office to sign your child back into school.  | TOP

Playground Supervision

The playground is supervised for 15 minutes before and after school and during recesses and lunchtimes.

Although teachers may be at school well before 8.45am and well after 3.45pm, they are not rostered for playground duty outside these times.  | TOP

Playground Use

As well as common playground equipment, there is separate designated playground equipment for Year Prep to Year 2 and Year 3 to Year 6. There is also a courtyard which is used by Preps only. Other areas are available for use by all students. See plan of school for specific usage areas. Our playground equipment areas are covered with Shade Sails.

Students are expected to use the equipment in a safe and sensible manner.  | TOP

Reporting to Parents

Individual parent/teacher/student meetings are held twice a year. These meetings provide an opportunity for teachers, students and parents to share information regarding a student's social and academic progress. A written report is provided at the end of second and fourth term.

In February we conduct a 'Meet and Greet' session where student information can be shared and learning goals developed. Commencing Term 3, formal reporting of student progress takes place and students are requested to attend these meetings with their parent/s and teacher.

Each child from Prep to Year 6 has also an Individual Learning Improvement Plan (ILIP) which is an individual approach to guiding children's progress. Individual Learning Improvement Plans are reviewed at various points throughout the year.  | TOP

Restorative Practices

Restorative Practices is an approach for managing student behaviour and developing and maintaining positive healthy and respectful relationships. It encourages those involved to accept that harm has been done to people and relationships with a focus on repairing the harm and making things right. It forms part of the Students' Code of Conduct and classroom personal development program.

School Council

The School Council which controls school finances and decides on policy matters affecting students' learning and the school environment, is a good example of the cooperation between parents and teachers.

Our School Council is made up of parents, teachers and the Principal. Should a vacancy occur, why not consider nominating? You would then have the opportunity to work and learn with a group of people who have the welfare of the school and its children at heart.  | TOP

School Rules

To help make a safe and happy place in which to work and play, students need to abide by the rules listed in the Student Code of Conduct, as included in the Student Welfare Manual. These are discussed with the children in the classroom personal development program, including Restorative Practices. | TOP

Security Gates

School Grounds are made as secure as possible including coded security gates. On enrolment, you will be provided with the security code to enter via the gate beside the Performing Arts' Centre.

Social Service

During the year, students run various fundraising activities to support selected charities.

Special Events

Each year the school holds a variety of special events. These events may involve all or part of the school and include such activities as parades, Bookweek, Performing Arts' Concert, special lunches and fundraising activities. Each year there is a Graduation Night for children in Year 6. Information regarding special events will be included in the Newsletter prior to these activities. Parents are always welcome to attend these functions.  | TOP

Student Representative Council (SRC)

The Student Representative Council was formed in 1991. Each person in the SRC is elected to represent a Grade. They inform their Grade about what is happening in the SRC and get students’ opinions on different issues. The SRC Councillors’ job is to take everyday problems that occur in the school and try to fix them. Sometimes these issues are handed up to the main School Council.  | TOP

Student Welfare

Watsonia North Primary School takes steps to make the school environment a safe place and assist students to overcome any personal and social difficulties they may face. This ensures all students have the best opportunity to take full advantage of the curriculum program which is available to them. The school has a Student Welfare Manual that documents the arrangements our school makes in order to address all health and welfare issues.  | TOP


If parents have any suggestions regarding the school they are welcome to talk to the Principal, teachers or members of the School Council.  | TOP


Watsonia North Primary School is an accredited SunSmart School. Our SunSmart policy incorporates strategies and practices as recommended by the Anti-Cancer Council. | TOP


Students must provide their own SPF 30+ broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen. Strategies are in place to remind students to apply sunscreen before going outdoors. All classrooms have sunscreen available if students need to reapply or forget to apply before coming to school.| TOP

Swimming Program

Years 2-4 are involved in a swimming program at a local pool. Specific times and dates for each grade level will be advised each year.  | TOP

Telephone/Fax Number

The school telephone number is (03) 9435 1285 or (03) 9435 4948 and the fax number is (03) 9434 3138.  | TOP

Term Dates


Term 1: 30 January to 31 March
Term 2: 18 April to 30 June
Term 3: 17 July to 22 September
Term 4: 9 October to 22 December


Transfers In and Out

All transfers are handled by the Office Staff. Please let the school know if your child is transferring to another school.  | TOP


Pre-School to Primary School

Information about the transition from Pre-School can be found in the Prep Information Book supplement.

Transition to Secondary School

When students enter Year 6, decisions will need to be made with regard to post primary placement. Begin by discussing the options with your child, teachers and other parents. Contact post-primary schools to ascertain when information day/nights are to be held. These sessions offer parents and students information about such matters as curriculum, policies and uniforms. Usually in mid-year 'Application for Enrolment' forms are sent home to parents to complete and return to WNPS. In early December, Orientation Days are held at the post-primary schools. Students are provided with activities designed to familiarise them with the new school setting. | TOP


Watsonia North is a compulsory uniform school and enrolment is conditional on compliance with the school's uniform code. The Uniform Shop is open every Thursday from 8.30-9.15am. The following items make up the uniform for Watsonia North and parents and children may select from these:

Girls' Uniform


Summer Dress - Maroon school check
Maroon shorts
Worn with:
Gold T-shirt
or Gold polo shirt
or Maroon polo shirt


Maroon Fleecy Windcheater
Maroon Polar Fleece Zip Jacket
Maroon Bomber Jacket (with gold trim)
Maroon Wet Weather Jacket
Maroon Bootleg Pants
Grey Skirt
Worn with:
Polo Shirt - Maroon or Gold
Gold T-shirt
Socks may be white or grey
Grey tights may also be worn with dress or skirt

Boys' Uniform


Grey or maroon shorts
Worn with:
Gold T-shirt
or Gold polo shirt
or Maroon polo shirt


Maroon Fleecy Windcheater
Maroon Polar Fleece Zip Jacket
Maroon Bomber Jacket (with gold trim)
Maroon Wet Weather Jacket
Maroon Tracksuit Pants
Grey Pants
Worn with:
Polo Shirt - Maroon or Gold
Gold T-shirt

Socks may be white or grey
Grey tights may also be worn with dress or skirt

Please note:

All students must have a compulsory Watsonia North Primary School Bag.

Clothing items must be purchased from the uniform shop:

Tops (shirts, windcheaters and bomber jackets), must have the school emblem, therefore must be purchased from the Uniform Shop. If other items are bought elsewhere, they must adhere to the school's styles and colours.

If parents are experiencing any financial difficulties purchasing school uniform, please contact the Principal, Tina King. | TOP

Wet Day/Hot Day Arrangements

When wet or excessively hot weather occurs during recess/lunchtimes, the students are supervised in their rooms. Appropriate activities are provided.  | TOP